Don't let chronic pain dampen your spirits. These tips will help you thrive right now!
Your aching body! You wake up with pain, work with pain, it even eats and sleeps with you. It's been like this since you can remember. Nothings helps! You've tried medication, physical therapy, massage. When do you get a vacation? Pain, its time you go away!
Pain is a complex mechanism that is similar to fear. On one hand, pain is there to protect you and can communicate that something is wrong. On the other hand, constant pain is hindering, and can harm your health if not addressed. The modern world we live in is inherently strenuous. Whether you are managing stress from a job, relationship, illness, injury, or finances, all of those stressors can translate into physical pain, or cause the current pain you already have to be amplified. As life becomes more demanding, so too can the ache in your neck. Living with chronic pain impacts mobility, quality of life, and mood, and increases the likelihood of dependence on drugs.
It sounds overwhelming, but showing up for yourself plays a key role in your healing. If you want freedom from pain, developing healthy habits like the ones below is the first step towards transformation.
Get To Know Your Pain Like You Are On A First Date
Just like getting to know someone for the first time, when you can understand where your pain is stemming from, you can manage your pain and prioritize your time for active improvements. Understanding your pain encourages self-compassion, which can reduce pain-related stress and anxiety. Pain, even if your live with it daily, always comes at you fresh, so it's important to set aside some times to research what's going on with your body. That may require some journaling, self-reflection, or talking with your doctor. Don't be afraid to ask your doctor a thousand questions if you have to. Make sure they answer specifically, and scientifically, because the more information you have, the more informed your decision-making will be.
Make Time For Movement Like You Do Your Morning Coffee
Movement boosts confidence, restores balance, and most importantly, of course, reduces pain. Movement is medicine. No matter how big or small, movement keeps your organs, brain, and all of your soft tissues functioning properly. The less we move, the more stagnant our internal process becomes, and with that we can feel more agitation, anxiety, and pain. Every human body is unique in that it moves and heals at different rates when it is ready to. try not to get discouraged if your pace isn't what it used to be, you will get there with your persistence.
Honor The Love Language You Are Vibing With Right Now
How you feel loved can fluctuate from day to day and that's OK, but make sure you are filling up that love cup. Feeling loved will decrease your pain perception. Check in with yourself and find out what you need right now. Need a little touch or quality time? Treat yourself to a massage, or hug a friend. Maybe you set aside time for a quality phone call or set up a friend date. Craving a gift or act of service? Treat yourself to something you have wanted to purchase for a while. Splurge! Now is the time to. And if you nee da little service, hire someone to come make your house sparkle and smell fresh.
Addressing chronic pain requires a ton of patience. Through the process of moving, learning, forming healthy habits, and putting the pieces back together, we might feel more broken than before we initiated the healing process. By honoring yourself, you'll begin to observe that you are feeling so much better than yesterday. Chronic pain is no easy feat, especially since it's a personal battle that can feel lonely. Hang in there! By believing in yourself that you will feel great again, you're telling your pain it's time to take the back seat and let you thrive.
Love it!