Own your story, know yourself, and be the best you, you could ever be.
There are reasonable expectations on being an adult. For instance, being honest, loyal, returning your best friends phone call, putting clean underwear on every day and arriving to work on time. Then, there are other expectations that are far more demanding, stressful and just take a whole lot of bravery. Some demands include, but are not limited to, being a 5-star parent, understanding how to cook nutritious and delicious meals, be a fabulously productive multi-tasker and navigate heartbreak or loss. Juggling life becomes just as daunting as trying to make time to finish that novel that’s taken us a year to get through, or keeping our mental health in check. After reading this, you will be a braver you by tomorrow! Because let’s face it, we could all use some gentle reminders sometimes. You will be able to bravely navigate your journey with a little more ease.
Here are 3 Tips in which you can help make your life feel more balanced, in control, manageable and BRAVE!
1. Resilience: Being alive means you have to acknowledge adversity. Pain and suffering
don’t discriminate. Science explains that the human brain is hardwired to focus
on the negative. This may have served us eons ago, but now research shows
that being in constant fight or flight can be detrimental.
Build your resiliency through:
Gratitude: What are you grateful for? What is in front of you right now that is good?
Organization: Prioritize where your physical energy and mental focus go. What can you control and what is out of your control?
Goal Setting: Is what you are doing hurting you or helping you get closer to your goal?
2. Curiosity: Become a detective for your own life! One that helps unfold your life.
Questions open the doors to insight and keep your emotions sturdy and reliable.
Strengthen your curiosity by:
Slowing down and listening to yourself and others.
Researching, reading and getting in the know.
Asking open ended questions that help you see the details of your life.
3. Willingness: Preparing yourself to take action. If you have the drive to wake up each morning and go to a job you dislike, then honey, you have a personality type that’s willing to do what’s necessary.
Strengthen your willingness by:
Imagine and write down a worst case scenario and best case scenario. Then imagine and write down the outcome for each.
Practice mindfulness. Become really aware of how you feel in the moment and how you feel about each scenario you imagined. Pay attention to your physiological responses.
Words of affirmation that end in –ing. Words ending in –ing denote that you are currently doing it. For example, I am being strong or, I am facing my challenges right now. Adding –ing affirms that you are in the current state of actually doing the thing you want to be affirmed for. That is how you become your own cheerleader.
Shift your energy into all the wonderful things you can create.
Your life is a platform that is guided and supported by your bravery. No matter where you are on your journey, you have your tools. Most importantly, you have you.
In light and love,