Your focus determines your reality.
Is it necessary to set a “New Year's Resolution?” No! Well, maybe... The New Year is a time where as a culture and society we are asked to reflect about our lives and what has happened thus far. Our behaviors, interactions we have had, relationships that were formed or broken, career goals that were not accomplished, food or weight goals not achieved, personal hobbies not pursued etc. The New Year should be seen as a gentle reminder to reflect on yourself and to become aware of how you feel, what you want and how to get what you want moving forward.
Goal setting is done throughout the year. But as a collective, December 31st is the designated time to have your “yearly self-review,” to see where you can improve or do things a little differently.
The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach. - Benjamin Mays
Here are 5 positive ways setting a New Year's resolution aka setting a goal, has on your life:
1) Direction and a Destination: goals help you move in the direction you want to go ultimately landing you at a destination that is fulfilling and rewarding.
2) Clarity: When you know what you want and where you are going and how important something is to you, you are more capable of making tough decisions. Be sure to define what is important to you and define what your goals are. If you cannot say it or write it, your time will be spent doing things that are not that important to you.
3) Your Future in Your Hands: Once your goals are defined clearly with notable importance to you, you are less likely to roam around with no control or foresight of where you are going. Control over your goals and steps to achieving them, makes you the key holder to your own destiny. With your plans in place, it's easier to take confident steps on your path toward success.
4) Motivation Booster: Goals give you something to look forward to! Painting a picture in your mind of what your goals look like once accomplished gets you up on your feet ready to move and conquer. Movement manifests positive energy. Positive energy creates positive self-talk and confidence to go in the direction of your choice.
5) Satisfaction and Purpose: Centering your life around what's important to you, your life becomes more enjoyable. A sense of purpose and meaning raises your spirits and in turn makes you feel enriched from within. Pleasure is derived from this.
Before you can achieve anything in your life, you have to know what you want.
For a lot of us, we still find ourselves saying, “I don’t know what I want!” Check out this article written by Marie Forleo who address how to find your passion in life.
Some of us know what we want. So, all I have to say is commit! As hard as it is to accept sometimes, everything takes time. Be flexible with yourself. If you change your mind or need to make adjustments, do it.
Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success. - Pablo Picasso
As InCasa moves into the New Year, and into its new role and brand-new chapter in life, reminders like, take a step at a time, become essential in surviving. Having the courage to believe in your goals and the direction you are moving toward is very empowering.
If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed. - David Viscott
No matter the direction you decide to go in, know that you already have the tools and awareness of how to achieve your goals! The benefits are waiting for you around the corner.
Happy Goal Setting!
In Light and Love,