Trigger point pain relief massage. That's right, I said Pain Relief!
Now That's Fascinating!
Yoga has a long rich history dating back 10,000 years. The word Yuj is the Sanscrit word for Yoga and means, to unite. I'm not here to define unity because I believe it's the individuals journey to learn what it means to connect with themselves and their life. There is no magic pill or fix. Yoga and fascia work are a continual process that makes progress. Recently however, modern medicine realized that the fibrous tissue underneath the skin is significant in that it unites, inter-connects, and interweaves throughout the body. This tissue is special because it supports, and repairs our structure. Taking care of our fascia aides our body's aches and pains, emotional well-being and plays a huge role in our ability to move with more ease and recover from injury or sport. When our bodies get stiff (aka when our fascia gets locked up), our mobility decreases and in return we start to feel pain or discomfort.
Taking Care Of Your Fascia
There are ways you can take care of your collagen rich fiber underneath the skin. Yes! This fascia contains collagen which is a key ingredient in helping the body heal and regenerate cells after an injury or if there is inflammation from your chronic pain.
Hydration, hydration, hydration. Fall in love with water like your life depends on it, because it does. Consuming water as well as applying pressure on your fascia hydrate your tissues and support in the ease of movement.
Breathe into your stretches. Stretching and taking mindful deep breaths into your stretches activates blood flow, a vital source of nutrients that encourages mobility.
Foam rolling your trigger points. Foam rolling your calves, hips, feet and neck, shoulders, inner thighs, quads...your entire body, will help reduce pain.
I'll Help You Take Care Of Your Fascia
Learn about those stubborn trigger points utilizing recovery balls, foam rollers and so much more. Specialized fascia tools, will support you in your recovery, performance, and mitigate your pain. Pain is stubborn and can be a challenge to address on your own. I come with my own experience and deep understanding of the body that will be get you feeling great in no time!