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Hamstring Health: What Causes Tight Hamstrings?

Updated: Apr 16, 2022

Tightness in the back of the legs can negatively impact our posture, how we walk, balance, run, sleep and so much more.

How our Hamstrings feel have a direct correlation to the performance of our everyday activities.

Each body is unique to its experiences, exact causes of tight hamstrings requires some self-analysis and perhaps a medical professional. However, here are 4 common causes that may be tightening your hamstrings.

  1. Overcompensation: If one part of your body is weak, another part picks up the slack. For example, if your glutes are underactive, your hamstrings will become overactive to assist the body in it's everyday activities. The reverse may happen. Overactive hamstrings may be the reason for the tightness.

  2. Anterior pelvic tilt: The pelvis rotates forward causing your glutes and abdominal to stick out, creating an arch in your back and your spine to be out of alignment. This position can develop from sitting for prolonged periods or from lack of exercise. Anterior Pelvic tilt alters your spinal position making your lower back and hip flexors shorter and your hamstrings longer, resulting in weakened, overstretched hamstrings and tightness.

  3. Injury: Any strain, tear or injury to the hamstrings creates scar tissue which inhibits range of motion in your leg. The scar tissue actually shortens the muscle fibers creating tightness.

  4. Stored emotions: Experiencing trauma, stress or unwanted confrontation can trigger the physical body to tighten. Other feelings of loneliness, neglect and abandonment can also tense the body making stretching or exercise challenging.

Speaking to a medical professional and seeking support from your yoga instructor can improve your hamstring health. But first, get curious with yourself. Start to pay attention to what's going on in your life and how it is impacting your physical body.

A body in motion is a healthy one!

For additional support on hamstring health check out this article written by Brett Sears, PT who writes and demonstrates, 6 Simple Stretches for Tight Hamstrings.

Happy Hamstring Stretching!

In light and love,

InCasa Yoga

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