5 Self-Love Tools You Can Access When You Are On That Rocky Road
We all have a story. And I bet when you share that story to others you share it with whole hearted expression and confidence, “this is where I came from and look at me now, babe!”
Your resiliency will always continue to be tested, built and strengthened.
The way your fire and strength unfolded in your life is unique. You are freaking resilient because you had to (and still have to) wake up everyday and face challenges, obstacles and undesirable situations without letting your brain run away from you. My goodness, life is exhausting. But don’t think for a second your journey is over. Your resiliency will always continue to be tested, built and strengthened. All of these experiences you have, the good, the traumatic and the somewhat questionable awkward or weird all represent who you are today; a strong and beautifully resilient person. You better believe it! It takes courage to get to where you are today.
Even in the darkest moments, when you don't think you can pull through, you somehow do.
The process of building resiliency can feel lonely, overwhelming and sometimes scary. Which is why showing up for yourself and giving some TLC in the moment actually nurtures, supports, motivates and keeps you super strong in any situation. Showing yourself love and support also accelerates the healing process.
Here’s a few self-love tools you can access whenever you are going down that rocky road:
Visualize what you love most - When you can see in your mind the things or people you love most, whether that’s an animal, object, activity, friend or family member, visualization strengthens the mind's focus. Resulting in a motivation boost.
Breathe like your life depends on it - because it does and sometimes breath is all you can control! Inhale 1, 2, 3, 4, exhale, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Controlled breath activates your parasympathetic nervous system, keeping you calm and focused. Try to not allow yourself to get distracted, but when you do, because you will, pick up where you left off or even start over. If frustration sets in let the self talk begin! “In order to get through this, keep breathing. You got this. Don’t stop fighting.”
Your hands are healing - Put a hand on your heart and tell your body how much you love it. Your hands and your positive thoughts carry strength. Show your body compassion and love through touch and you will feel protected. Allow yourself to think or say out loud, I love my body, my body is strong, I’m here for you, we will get through this.
Cry a little and laugh a lot - tough experiences can activate the spectrum of emotions. So, allow yourself to feel them all. During a tough situation when there is an opportunity to bring a smile or laughter even if forced, your brain releases neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. These brain chemicals help with pain you are experiencing and give you motivation to keep going! When thoughts start to flood your eyes with tears, hold yourself tight and acknowledge what you are going through is indeed hard and probably unfair.
Become an observer of chaos rather than a participant - Definitely something hard to practice but very helpful when you can start to slow down and take notice of what's going on around you. It’s easy to be an active participant in emotional responses in the midst of the heat. But if you take a mental step back and allow yourself to see what’s happening as it is, you will be stronger for it. You will have more patience, courage and strength to fight.
On Your Marc, Get Set, Let Go.
Give yourself permission to let go of what you can't control, stay focused, stick the course, feel the fire and breathe through all of it. Being a human means that we have to face a lot of challenges, traumas, obstacles, and pain. It’s a complete package deal when we are brought into this world. We are constantly handed a mix of good with the bad. The better we learn how to love ourselves during these crazy unexpected experiences, the more power we have over our healing journey. Life events are inevitable but so is your incredible resilience!
Please reach out if you or a loved one are in need of support.
In light and love,