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Free Monthly Calendar Printout.  Customize your own weekly workouts for the month.  Post this on your fridge.  Wake up, workout, repeat!

Recognize where you are through visualizing your goals and where you are today.  PDF print out.

InCasa Yoga

Ashleigh Walker

Yoga Therapeutic Specialist

1. How often do you practice Yoga Asana (physical poses)?

2. How often do you practice Meditation (Dhyāna) or Breathing (Pranayama)?

3. Are you interested in learning about other Spiritual Practices of Yoga? If yes, which aspects are you drawn to?

4. Do you have prior experience with private yoga sessions? If yes, what did you like and what did you not like?

5. What do you hope to gain from private yoga sessions?

6. What barriers have you or are you currently facing to reach your goals?

Thanks for submitting!

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